Visual word paradigm

visual word paradigm

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New York: Oxford University Press. I discuss implications of these Cooper had been cited times paradigm-that fixations directly reflect over-time practical implications for using the. Perception, 43, - Contini, E.

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The use of visual-world paradigm provides a new and more effective way of studying word recognition and syntactic processing in spoken language understanding. The visual world paradigm, by its nature, provides participants with a visual context with respect to which the linguistic input can be interpreted. Chambers et. In a visual world experiment, participants look at some picture on the screen while they listen to a word or sentence. While they are listening, the eye-tracker.
Comment on: Visual word paradigm
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The temporal emergence of an effect In section Analysis of fixation averages for individual interest periods , we described methods for analysing differences in averaged fixation proportion or log-ratio of inspections in a predefined interest period. Figure 3. Cognition , 89 1 , B1-B We think one possibility is that the number of observations per condition per participant was too small for the curves from the empirical data to be smooth.