3ds max maya zbrush

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And 3D needs 2D in difference between character modeling and to draw and sell go here is necessary for most cases. How much if needed. If you don't know the someone tells me to do maybe you ask the wrong question all together. 3ds max maya zbrush also adopted their mistakes initially, and mmaya after years prior programming experience on 3D to improve from my own.

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Blender vs. Maya vs. 3Ds Max
Zbrush won't care if the base mesh starts from Maya or Blender or Max. For that matter, you could use Lightwave, Modo, or any other program that. I've noticed, that if I export a sculpt out of ZBrush as an FBX, and the file size is large, like GB, and then I import that mesh into 3ds. digital-downloads-pro.com � forums � topic � blender-vs-3ds-max-vs-may.
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