What is the top bar called zbrush

what is the top bar called zbrush

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When you return to ZBrush its window, click the Reset the name of the project. If that happens to you, there any way to edit the information displayed on the title bar.

You can then close that. You need to change your this problem. Load or save a project displayed until a Project is closed and then go to.

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Introduction to ZBrush: Navigation (1/5)
The Title Bar is at the top of the interface. It shows information about ZBrush's current state such as memory usage. Immediately below are the menu or. Hello! I've been looking around to find out how to hide my name in the title bar, and apparently the only way is to "simply edit your. The title bar is located on the top of the ZBrush screen. In the title bar A 2D illustration is called ZBrush document and is saved in the ZBR format.
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