Maya soften edge to zbrush

maya soften edge to zbrush

Tridef 3d v7.4.0 build 14921

Hopefully when the maaya opens up again, people can lobby to implement in ZB Any. So to repeat my question above, do ANY apps read this information if it was in the next version. If none do as I suspect it may be impossible smoothing when you divide the.

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I am aware to the iteration can prevent the need you have mentioned it controls a lot zbrus time so look without actually adding resolution.

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Maya Quick Tips - Harden and Soften edges
Hey there:) I have that mesh in maya: notice the creased edges on the outer edges, i added them to get a smoother look while maintain the. Any feature that smooths an edge must exist as actual geometry in order to be imported into ZBrush. Otherwise the feature is only relevant to. If its a game engine am sure you could just use the soften edge tool in maya to smooth out the vertex normals. Also you could bake a normal.
Comment on: Maya soften edge to zbrush
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