Can you udjust keystroke prefrences in zbrush

can you udjust keystroke prefrences in zbrush

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When a hotkey is assigned to a palette the top scroll the mouse wheel instead appear under your cursor when.

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#AskZBrush - Restore ZBrush's Default Hotkeys
Setting Custom Hotkeys � Press and hold CTRL + ALT and click on the interface item you want to assign a hotkey to. This could be a button, a slider or a palette. Shortcuts or Hotkeys are keyboard combinations that produce the same effect as pressing a ZBrush interface item. They can speed up your workflow by allowing. Hi, it's impossible for the moment to assign ctrl, alt or shift key to a tablet button or stylus. To reproduce: Try to configure button of.
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Keyboard shortcut Using a button on the tablet or the wheel on Intuos4 type of model All reactions. I just didn't wanted my bug-report to be invalided by error or managed by non Wacom user. If ZAdd is selected on the toolbar, then the default behavior when sculpting is additive adds clay and then pressing ALT , while sculpting, toggles that behavior and makes it substractive removes clay. Deevad commented Aug 17,