Nvidia geforce gtx 680mx 2gb graphics for zbrush

nvidia geforce gtx 680mx 2gb graphics for zbrush

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graphics(just my hunch?) my video card is GT with 2gb vram + i got 2ram. (after the out of memory issues of SC2 the memory usage is on gb/2gb ram. The reason why i'm considering the Zotac GTX Amp! edition is because of the humungous 2GB ddr5 memory.. I'm wondering if it would be. I would be using 3ds Max, ZBrush, Lightroom and the like. Don't think any of them support OpenCL, but i read that Viewport performance is.
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It has a boot screen, makes the 3,1 work much faster as far as graphics, and I have had no issues. Ralle Owner. Home Forums Hardware Graphics Cards. I would suggest this hands down for gaming since that is where it shines most. Thread starter mikewebberross Start date Mar 18, Sort by reaction score.