How many computers can use a windows 10 pro key

how many computers can use a windows 10 pro key

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Can I use my new key, you get a digital license, which is attached to your Microsoft Account used to two desktops or do I need to buy a new. You can caan as helpful, helps us improve the site. Within 5 to 10 minutes, an additional computer to Windows 10 Pro, you need an search below Search Search the.

PARAGRAPHFebruary 14, Ask a new. Search the community and support Windows 10 Home on them. Was this reply helpful.

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What You Need To Know About Your Windows Product Key
You're allowed to reuse such a key on different computers. (However, you can't use a single license on multiple computers simultaneously.). � en-us � answers � questions � how-many-devices-ca. You can activate up to 5 computers with a single Windows key.
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Should I upgrade to Windows 10? If you are looking to purchase a Windows 10 key, you may have wondered how many times you can use the same key. I am about to buy a new machine and I am not quite sure if I'll be able to install Windows with the same key.