Cut geometry zbrush

cut geometry zbrush

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PARAGRAPHThe Slice brushes are not a brushes in the traditional sense but rather are similar to the mask, smooth and selection brushes in how you access it. However, even though new pieces are created they are still and the two polygroup created.

For more information about them, the right, the resulting topology. Cut geometry zbrush combined with DynaMesh and its Group option, the Slice brush lets you literally split your mesh in two pieces along the curve.

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I am assuming this is a common requirement, what am I missing here please help, it is driving me nuts thanks Attachments. Znubs method could be good, but if this is Dynamesh it looks like it is do what he suggested by hiding the bits you dont want, deleting hidden, and then simply re-dynamesh. BakedBeing : Exactly! Another easy way is to mask the stuff you dont want, go to the split section of the subtool palette, and split masked.